viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

Helpin Students with spoken presentation

This is a proposal that we did in the class of ELT,that explian how we can help students in the orals presentation.

The principal aims of this proposal is to provide solution for the students that had problems with the oral presentation.The final section makes recommendations as how to solve the following problems.
Students generally have problems with speaking as lack of fluency and pronunciation.Talking about fluency students loose the idea of the message that they are trying to convey,making the delivery incoherent.Concerning pronunciation,students lack the knowledge of phonetics,so they just guess the pronunciation.
There has been notable problems with the researche and selection of unnecesary information.Students look for the eassest web pages without repetition about the quality of the information.Howover not only are there difficulties with the selection of information,but also with the images and videos chosen.Students over use images or information.Consenquetly,the presentation turns to be over with visuals and the students get distracted.
During these days,there are remarkable inconveniences in the premises with the necessary factor to deliver a presentation.The lack of interest conection is a crucial factor since if it is an online presentation are needs interest connection.Also,there are technical problems serch as broken projectors and deporable conditions of the presentations area.
Many students can be done so as to solve all the problems mentioned above,I would make the following recommendations.
-Helping students to became self confident
-Practices and learning about phonetics to solve speaking problems.
-Providing students the nesessary skills for chosing the correct material and research on reliable sources.
A combination of these recommendations will show a notable and diferent result on the student´s attitude when deliver a presentation and also in this one itself.

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