domingo, 15 de mayo de 2016

Unit 1: Truth and Credibility


In the school Newlands, we have a new subject called thinking skills, where we study Critical thinking. The skills required to analyse and evaluate arguments are taught in this subject. The term argument consists to convence people about something specific,they may have indicators words.To support a certain point of view or a particular belief, we need evidence, if not the argument is not reliable. Moreover, we ought to make a judgement about the credibility of the evidence in each argument.
In order to do this judgement, we need to focus on the source, which is where the evidence comes from. The source might be an eyewitness, a TV Programme or an article in a magazine and etc. Furthermore, we must use a credibility criteria. This criteria can be divided as it follows:

Neutrality : It consists of a source which is impartial  and which does not have a motive to distort evidence for its own benefit.
Vested Interest: When a source takes a side and manipulates or selects certain parts of the evidence for its own benefit. However, the existence of a vested interest does not mean that evidence will be distorted or that individuals will lie.
Bias:  having a vested interest may lead to bias, which means having a preference for something or supporting a particular point of view. Biased viewpoints reduce the credibility of a source
Expertise: Consists of evidence which is highly credible due to the fact that it is provided by an expert. Nevertheless, expertise is only credible if it fits the situation.
Reputation: It consists of the position of a source. The higher the reputation of a source, the more credible it is seen to be. Nonetheless, a reputation does not mean that the source provides accurate information.
Observation and eyewitness accounts: Eye witnesses are very credible as they have seen the events. However, many times their credibility is lost since ,by retelling the story that they saw, they tend to forget many details.
Corroboration: This makes reference to pieces of evidence which support each other. In general, corroboration increases the credibility of evidence.
Selectivity and representativeness: Many campaign groups only select evidence which supports their views. This one-sided election of evidence is seen to reduce their credibility as sources. Moreover, the presentation of unrepresentative information can weaken the credibility of a source.
Context:  it makes reference to the setting or situation in which evidence is produced. When assessing credibility, its important that we analyse the whole context since there might be factors which can affect the evidence provided.

To conclude with this Unit,we can say that a evidence didn`t have to be true in order to be credible and the credibility isn´t synonymous of truth.

This images represent this subject

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2016

Asesinato a distancia

En la clase de literatura nos plantearon la idea de continuar un cuento escrito por Rodolfo Walsh.Tomando algunas ideas del cuento y nuestra imaginación pudimos escribir nuestro cuento.El cuento podía ser en pajera o individual.Rodolfo nació el 9 de Enero de 1927 y falleció el 25 de marzo 1977.Fue escritor,periodista y traductor Argentino
Era otro día oscuro en la cuidad de Bruselas,tal vez el día mas oscuro del siglo,tal vez el día mas escalofriante en la historia europea.Ochenta personas se encontraron muertas en el teatro Belgium.Todos asesinados de diferentes formas.El salón principal del viejo teatro parecía un verdadero muestrario de crueles estrategias de asesinar en silencio.Las víctimas tenían edades,sexos y clases sociales diferentes,parecía que nada las aceraba,que nada las unía. El causante de esta tragedia fue Daniel Hernandez. Daniel era un extranjero más para Europa.El venía de las zonas mas bajas del Paraguay y llegó a Bruselas de la mano de Silverio Funes,quien instaló en la cuidad el  más sucio de los negocios,el negocio de la muerte,el negocio de las drogas.
Ambos hombres tenían una forma muy especial de actuar,lo hacían despacio,en silencio,con códigos comunes a ellos y ajenos o sordos para el resto del mundo.El poder del dinero los enceguecía y declaraban venganza sangrienta para las personas que ellos consideraban traidores a sus negocios.
Daniel Hernandez mató a todas esas personas. Cada cuerpo tendido en el suelo era un reproche para Silverio Funes, su desleal compañero  y dueño del teatro Belgium .Funes rompió los códigos , lo traicionó , le arruinó el negocio más grande de su vida y lo condenó al humillante destierro de los narcotraficantes.
Ese día oscuro en la cuidad de Bruselas,ese viejo teatro escondido entre los edificios,esas muertes aterradoras,fueron el principio de una pesadilla sin final. Daniel Hernandez no aceptará perder una batalla de un territorio que el cree ser el dueño , el territorio del poder , de la muerte , de las drogas.