martes, 20 de octubre de 2015



In the class of LANGUAGE,our teacher ask to do a essay of the use of the TECHONOLOFY IN THE CLASSROON.

In this essay i will talk about technology in the classroon.Nowadays there is technology by some were:at home,at all the jobs,shopping centers and off course at school.We also use it in the classrom but this has got advantages and disvantages.
In spite of having a new mobile phone,a netbook,a tablet,and ipod etc is so funny,so cool a necessry.It is also very important to do the homework,to use the web for information,to read some books and to be connected with other sities and other applications 
By the other hand,talking about the disvantages,students sometimes use them to play video games in class,to take photographies,an to look for information during an exam,this way isn´t good.
To conclude for me the use of technology in class is useful if the teacher ask or let you to use it in the right way,as an instrument to study.

In this pictures we can se students working,playing games in class and cheating in a examen.The second photo is the only that represents good things of techonology in class.

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